Terms & Conditions for Youthtown Before & After School and Holiday Programmes
- Personal details
- We will only collect information to be used for the purpose of establishing and maintaining records required for service delivery. Information collected will be managed in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020 and the Vulnerable Children’s Act 2014 and may be accessed by Ministry of Social Development, relevant Government departments and other Audit organisations
- We require complete and accurate personal details when you register and any time you book for an activity or programme. You may be asked for additional information if the programme has specific requirements.
- We reserve the right to request proof of I.D or residential address.
- For the safety of your child, we require three different contact persons – the enrolling parent/caregivers details plus two others to be used as emergency contacts. Please discuss with us if this presents challenges with your personal situation.
- You must list in detail any applicable medical conditions such as allergies on the child’s personal details.
- We can only administer medicine if a Medical Consent Form has been correctly and fully completed.
- We include children with disabilities or special needs provided we can meet their specific needs. You will need to complete a Special Needs Assessment Form and a trial period may be initiated. If we cannot reasonably meet any special needs of your child(ren), we may have no other option but to decline their enrolment.
- We understand the complex nature of families and regularly work with access and custody arrangements. If you have access or custody arrangements you will list these on the child’s personal details. If requested, you will produce any court documents.
- Collection of a child
- When you drop the child at the location the activity/programme is running, you will sign the child in and note the time of arrival on the sign in/out sheet provided.
- When you collect the child at the conclusion of the programme you will sign and note the time of collection on the sign-in/out sheet provided.
- We will not release your child to any person not listed on the account. It is your responsibility to ensure that the list of people authorised to collect your child is up to date and includes those who would be picking up your child. You can update your details on the child’s details. We cannot accept a phone call or text message to advise of changes to those authorised to pick up.
- We reserve the right to ask for Photo ID of any person who presents to collect your child.
- Payments and fees
- We will detail activity/programme costs as part of the sign-up process for any activity or programme.
- Our programmes are a prepaid service and your enrolment is not complete until payment is made in full, a payment plan is in place or a WINZ subsidy has been applied for.
- We reserve the right to cancel, postpone or substitute any activity/programme which may include a substituted location or mode of transport. We will always endeavour to make suitable alternative arrangements. If a cancellation occurs due to circumstances beyond our control, a refund will be provided.
- If you are applying for a WINZ subsidy you must provide us with your WINZ customer number.
- If you or anyone authorised, is late picking up your child at the conclusion of the activity/programme or the time you were booked into the activity/programme, we will charge either the next session fee in the case where an additional activity or programme is at the site (e.g. Long Day add on during school holidays), or a late fee of $10.00 for every 10 minutes (or part thereof) that the child is not picked up.
- Your account must be kept up to date at all times by either paying the account or entering into payment plans with us.
- If you have outstanding amounts owing to us on your account we reserve the right to not have your child on programme until either the outstanding amount is paid or a payment plan is entered into.
- It is your responsibility to pay any amount on the account. You understand that any amount outstanding on the account is the responsibility of the account holder.
- We may refer overdue amounts to a debt collection agency and we will add to the account any expenses or agency fees to the amount outstanding.
- If it is proven your child intentionally damaged or wilfully created a situation that incurred a financial cost, such as deliberately setting off the fire alarm, to Youthtown, we reserve the right to request those funds be paid, in full by you.
- Absences
- If your child will be no longer attending an activity or programme or you need to make a change to attendance, you must inform us of this intent, either in writing or by modifying your booking 72 hours in advance to qualify for a refund.
- If your child is absent due to sickness where a medical or doctors certificate can be supplied or in the case of a family bereavement, we will credit and refund the charges for the affected days.
- If your child will be absent, you must communicate this to the Programme Lead before 2pm on the day of the absence for After School Programmes. Absences on Holiday Programmes must be communicated by 8:30am on the day of the absence, and as soon as practical in the case of Before School programme absences. The full fee will still be chargeable for absences notified within 72 hours of programme.
- Health and Safety
- We may occasionally, transport your child to parks, places of interest or other locations.
- When we provide transport it will be by either our Youthtown vehicles (usually vans) with trained and appropriately licensed drivers, or a reputable commercial bus company.
- In the event of an accident or illness, we will immediately attempt to contact you and will take all appropriate steps to ensure your child’s well-being, but will not be liable for any costs such as doctors’ fees.
- We keep an accident/incident register for each activity or programme. If your child is involved in an accident or incident of a minor nature we will inform you at pick-up and may make a request for you to see staff on you the sign-out sheet.
- If your child has an infectious disease such as chicken pox, or experiences diarrhea or vomiting, you agree to withdraw them from the programme until they are medically fit to return, at least 24 hours symptom free. You also agree to immediately notify us if an infectious disease is suspected.
- Our programmes have a detailed child protection policy, which includes the reporting of any suspected child abuse to Oranga Tamariki. The child protection policy is displayed at each of our locations and on our website.
- Exclusion
- The safety of all of our participants, volunteers and staff is our paramount concern. If a child’s behaviour is impacting the safety of any of our programmes we reserve the right to remove any child permanently after following our Behaviour Support Policy requirements. The Behaviour Support Policy is displayed and available at each location and on our website.
- If your child breaches the Behaviour Support Policy it may result in your child immediately being excluded from the activity or programme until the matter has been resolved.
- If your child is excluded, you will need to arrange for them to be collected as soon as possible from the activity/programme.
- If you, another parent or caregiver of your child, or anyone you have authorised to pick up your child demonstrates behaviour that is impacting the safety of any of our activities/programmes, we reserve, at our sole discretion, the right to refuse or rescind the enrolment of your child.
- Whilst Youthtown encourages use of devices on programme, they can only be used at the discretion of the relevant Youthtown Programme Lead, or Team Leader, and when the use of the device is not impacting the safety or behaviour of the participant or other participants on the programme. Safety includes the physical and mental safety of participants and staff. Use of a device must not cause distress to other participants or staff in any way.
- Anyone not adhering to these conditions will be reminded by Youthtown staff about the correct use of devices. If safety is compromised, suspension from programme or loss of device privileges may occur immediately. Parents/caregivers will be notified of all incidents, and repeated non-compliance may also result in suspension revoked device privileges.
- If at any time, safety of the programme, participants, or staff is compromised, use of devices on that programme will be modified, or not be allowed until safety is no longer compromised. Where the programme is at a school or other such site with its own device use guidelines or policy, Youthtown will adopt that policy conditions while Programme is delivered on the same site.
- Devices can only be used where Youthtown can ensure active supervision, which means that:
- Screens must be able to be seen regularly by staff to ensure content is suitable for the programme. As this is not always possible in vehicles, device use may be restricted or not allowed due to safety in vehicles.
- Staff may not allow device use when they feel that they cannot actively supervise the use of the devices.
- Where there is no guest WIFI or school WIFI access, then participants must use Mobile Data at their own cost.
- During Youthtown Programmes, device users will:
- Use the device in a safe manner.
- Ensure using the device does not impact on other participants enjoyment of the programme.
- Not take or post any images taken on Programme (without permission of Youthtown).
- If asked by others to turn the device off, not to take photos or video, turn the volume down, or stop what they are doing, do so in a considerate manner.
- If asked by Youthtown staff to turn the device off, to not take photos or video, to turn the volume down, to stop what they are doing, or to put the device away, do so without delay or argument.
- During Youthtown Programmes, device users will NOT:
- Play loud music, video or audio from games without permission.
- Place or use the device in an unsafe environment that causes potential danger to self or others.
- Use excessive amount of internet traffic or bandwidth.
- Leave cables (power or data connections) where they pose a danger to themselves, the device or others.
- Overload power boards or power points with charging devices.
- Use small, handheld devices while they are charging.
- Complaints
- We welcome all feedback, positive or negative. A copy of our complaints procedure is displayed and available at each location or on our website.
- Disclaimer
- We vet and suitably train all our staff and volunteers. We endeavour to provide the best and most practical degree of supervision and engagement towards all children enrolled in each activity or programme. However, we nor any individual member, employee, contractor, volunteer or any other person shall not be held personally liable in respect of any act or omission arising from any activity or programme, where all reasonable and practicable steps are deemed to have been taken in accordance with our policies.
- We will not be held responsible for the loss or damage of personal items in your child’s possession. You may want to encourage your child to leave expensive or special items at home.
- By authorising this waiver you confirm all details provided are true and correct, you have read and understood these Terms and Conditions and agree to adhere to all our policies and procedures. Our policy and procedures manual are available at each of our locations for you to view at any time. Our staff are available to answer any questions.
Posting of Photographic Images
We will not electronically transmit or post online, in any format, any photographic or video images of you or anyone else taken on our property, or at our locations, or our events, or during our activities at any time without your express permission. If the image is of someone under the age of eighteen (18) we will not use their image without your consent unless the person is 16 or 17 and has withdrawn from parental control. It is your responsibility to explain these conditions to your children in terms that they understand, so they act accordingly.
Programme and Activity Risk Disclosure Statement
Participation in all our activities is voluntary although participants are supported and encouraged to participate to a level which challenges them.
At times, activities may be delivered by an authorised Third-Party Provider whose operations have been reviewed by ourselves and in some instances external safety auditors.
Participation may be restricted based on medical, physical, or other conditions in regard to the safe operation of the activity or impact to other individuals involved.
Because of the changeable and unpredictable nature of the outdoors, risks can never be reduced to zero. Hazards exist in some activities that can result in harm. Typical harms include cuts, sprains, bruises, minor emotional stress. Occasional harms include, but are not limited to: fractures, dislocations, vomiting, concussion, severe allergic reaction (food, bees, other), severe emotional stress, hypothermia, death. Typical hazards include but are not limited to: weather & environmental conditions; staff and volunteers; participants and/or public behaviour; attitudes and capabilities; water; environmental impact and vehicles.
Hazards also include participant specific hazards. Therefore, your full and detailed disclosure of your participants information and abilities is vitally important as part of two-way disclosure of risk. Our organised activities and programmes are designed to be for anyone reasonably fit and well and may be altered to suit those unfit or unwell.
Our Safety Management Systems are ACC audited and approved. Systems include a process of identifying and eliminating / minimising hazards as well as reporting and investigating incidents of all severities.
Where programmes include catering by ourselves or a Third Party provider, cross contamination or an absolute allergy free environment cannot be guaranteed although we and third party providers will make every practicable effort to ensure all risk is minimised as far as possible.